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43 handwritten volumes 43 volumes 1915 1915 through 1965 1915-1965 1916 1920 1920-1942 1925 1926 1927 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1943-1953 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1954-1965 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 Abstract Expressionists A Cage for Lovers A Man’s Affair Angels on Toast artistic fulfillment Assembled diaries A Time to Be Born Atlantic City auction Audition autobiographical novel autobiographical short story Bidding Big Night Bobby Lewis Boston visit Brevoort Camp Caho Camp Caho Diary caricatures Carl Ruggles Cedar Tavern Chateau Elysée Clare Boothe Luce Coby Gilman Columbia University Come to Sorrento Contact Tim Page credo Dance Night Dawn Powell Diaries Day Book Diary Diaries Diaries Powell diary covers diary excerpts Early Diary Edmund Wilson Ernest Hemingway Estate of Dawn Powell eulogy Europe extended mood pieces father Roy Fawcett Felipe Alfau financial problems Fitzgerald for sale Francoise Sagan Franz Kline Frequently Asked Questions Gallery Gerald and Sara Murphy Golden Spur Gore Vidal Gossip Greenwich Village group photograph Group Theatre Haiti Hanna Green Happy Island Hemingway Herbert Muschamp Hilary Dawn Hollywood Hotel Lutetia Hotel Traymore Hudson River Jacqueline Miller Jacqueline Miller Rice Jig Saw John Cheever John Dos Passos John Howard Lawson Jojo Joseph Gousha Katy Powell Lafayette Lake Erie London Long Island Los Angeles Los Angeles Times MacDowell Colony Madison Avenue Magic Wheel manuscripts Margaret de Silver Max Perkins Maxwell Perkins meditation Monday and Always Morris Philipson My Home Is Far Away National Book Award New York New York City New Yorker New York Post New York Times Next Time Niles Spencer novel as an art form Oberlin Ohio original diaries Painesville Paris Peggy Bacon Perkins Port Jefferson Powell Diaries Powell papers Rare Book and Manuscript Library Reginald Marsh reviews Robert Benchley roman a clef sale satires Saturday Evening Post She Walks in Beauty Shore Club short stories short story collection Simone de Beauvoir sister Mabel Steerforth edition Steerforth Press Summer Rose Sunday Sunday Monday and Always Susan Salter Reynolds Tanaquil LeClercq Tenth Moon Terry Teachout The Book of Joe The Bride's House The Golden Spur The Locusts Have No King The Story of a Country Boy The Wicked Pavilion Thomas Wolfe Tim Page tumor Turn Turn Magic Wheel What Are You Doing in My Dreams? Whither Wicked Pavilion Wicked Pavillion Woggs Diary world politics World War World War II Yaddo